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Don’t let those ankle-biters fuck with your Ninja Plans!

Dem Review habe ich nichts hinzuzufügen:

The first Ninja Gaiden game sold magnitudes more in the West than in Japan; the reason was perhaps not that the Japanese version was heavily censored. Either way, the sequel was released in Japan with all blood and gore intact, thanks to a spellbinding sleight of hand that we can only attribute to Itagaki: that is, the violence is all contextual. You know an enemy is dead when his head is cut off — period. Nick an enemy and you’ll lop off one of his limbs; the more limbs you lop off, the more pissed-off the enemy gets; the more pissed-off the enemy gets, the less he comes to value his own life; the less he comes to value his own life, the more probable it is that he will bite down on your ankles with his fucking teeth if he has to, and incant the sacred ninja body self-explosion technique to cause Maximum Damage. In addition to being One with the Matrix at any given second, your gamer’s eyes should be constantly scanning the battlefield for arterial spurts, breathlessly seeking to snuff out anything that’s still alive. Don’t let those ankle-biters fuck with your Ninja Plans!
